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Spontaneity in Recovery

Please join me by reading the daily meditation from “The Language of Letting Go” by Melody Beattie and share your thoughts in the comment space provided at the end of this post (Click on the Read More button to read the complete thought for the day).

Co-dependent people who live by the rules of “don’t have fun, always be in control, be good, be right, be strong and the all powerful…be perfect, may struggle with the concepts of spontaneity.  This has been true for me as well.  It has taken me years to overcome my need to be perfect.  It is this need to be perfect that kept me from developing intimate relationships with myself and others.

It is vital that I am conscious of the old ways of thinking so that I can let you see me.  It is in the process of being seen that I allow people to know me.  As I become more conscious of the price I have paid to live by the old co-dependent rules I can learn to relish in my imperfection.

In point of fact, it is the mistakes that I make that teach me to have the courage to risk and truly live my life.  My goal of reestablishing balance therefore, is to be real, be honest and be open to experience the ups and downs of life.  This blog will provide an arena to practice spontaneity as I share my journey with you.

Today:  I will explore my mistakes and look for the gifts that I gain as I prepare for a healthy, fun, respectful way to explore the dynamics of restoring my balance.

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Diana Smith, PhD, LPC-MH owns and operates Serenity Mental Health Services and is licensed by the National Board of Certified Counselors. License number is LPC-MH2025 and she follows the ethical guidelines described by the NBCC found at their web site Diana is a member of the National Board for Certified Counselors, Certification Number 43911. In addition, she is also a member of the American Counseling Association, Member ID# 5140627. Online counseling can help you right now. Research has made it clear that this manner of offering therapy is effective and those who’ve experienced it have said they would seek it out again.

Dr. Diana is an APA (American Psychological Association) EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) approved Therapist in Training.